美国edyne 6400TSG紫外荧光分析仪 MODEL 6400TSG和MODEL 6400TSL分析仪基于紫外荧光分析原理,能对多种气体、液体物质中的总硫进行精确分析,测量精度高,操作简单。广泛应用于各种总硫分析。采用微处理技术,两个可设定量程,自动标定,自动量程切换。正压吹扫机柜形式,可适应多种危险区域的分析要求。
美国edyne 6400TSG紫外荧光分析仪
MODEL 6400TSG和MODEL 6400TSL分析仪基于紫外荧光分析原理,能对多种气体、液体物质中的总硫进行精确分析,测量精度高,操作简单。广泛应用于各种总硫分析。采用微处理技术,两个可设定量程,自动标定,自动量程切换。正压吹扫机柜形式,可适应多种危险区域的分析要求。
操作温度: 0-50°C
危险区域:Class I Div 1 / Zone 1 ,Div 2 / Zone 2;
Model 6400-TSG Total Sulfur in Fuel Gas Analyzer
Using UV-Fluorescence detection technology
Model 6400-TSG Total Sulfur Analyzer
Download the brochure
Refinery flare monitoring - 40 CFR 60 Subpart Ja installations
Hydrogen plant steam methane reformer (SMR) for catalyst protection
LNG monitoring of sulfur impurities
Refinery feed gas to hydrogen plant
This Model 6400-TSG system uses UV-Fluorescence detection technology to analyze total sulfur concentration in gas samples. It consists of a Model 6400E UV Fluorescence Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer, a Flame Combustion Converter Module (FCCM), and associated sample handling required per application. The system is housed in a freestanding NEMA-4 or NEMA-4X rated enclosure with approved purge, making it suitable for operation in Class I Div 1 (Zone 1) or Class I Div 2 (Zone 2) environments.
Trace and percent analysis ranges available
Continuous analysis - fast response time and no switching valves
Non-consumable sensing technology
High-temperature flame combustion converter module ensures complete sulfur conversion
Minimal preventative maintenance for less down-time
No pure oxygen required as a utility gas
Single and multiple sequenced stream configurations available
Speciating configurations available using integral chromatography
Class I Div 1 (Zone 1) and Class I Div 2 (Zone 2) configurations available
Theory of Operation
The undesirable sulfur compounds present (i.e. H2S, DMS, COS, CH3SH, CS2, etc) are converted into sulfur dioxide (SO2) under precisely controlled temperature and flow conditions.
SO2 + hv1 -> SO2*-> SO2 + hv2
When SO2 is exposed to UV light energy, hv1, it creates an "excited" form of sulfur dioxide, SO2*. A molecule in a high, vibrational level of the excited state, SO2*, will quickly fall to its lowest vibrational level by losing energy to other molecules through collision. Fluorescence occurs when the molecule returns to its electronic ground state. The intensity of the emitted light, hv2, is directly proportional to the total sulfur content found in the sample.
The converted sample gas is dried, then fed to the Model 6400E UV Fluorescence Analyzer where the SO2 Analysis takes place and is conveniently displayed as Total Sulfur.
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